
Hot Water And How It Affects Your Aquarium Fish

One of the most important factors to plan when putting fish in your aquarium, is the temperature of the water. That's why it makes a difference where you place the fish tank.You want your fish to do more than simply survive in their aquarium environment. You want them to thrive. And, for this to happen, fish need for the temperature of the water to be unfluctuating. When water temperatures are constantly shifting from warm to cold and back to warm again, the immune system of fish can become compromised. And, when this happens, their susceptibility to illness becomes greater.For the most part, the optimum tank temperature for your fish is determined by the type of fish populating your tank. Tropical fish require warmer temperatures than do freshwater fish. But whatever species you have, you will have to monitor and control the water temperature.This is easily done with a water heater controlled by a thermostat. You simply set the thermostat at the temperature you want and let it cycle the heater on and off to maintain the correct temperature. Nearly all aquarium heaters, however, are limited in the amount of heat that they can generate. And that is why the temperature of the room is important.So, for instance, if you determine that sixty eight degrees Fahrenheit is the optimum temperature for the fish in your aquarium, you should keep the room temperature that houses the aquarium as close to this temperature as possible. For example, if you live in a cold climate and allow your room temperatures to wholesale nail stickers drop to sixty degrees or below when you are not at home, your aquarium heater may not have enough power to keep the water in the tank at the correct temperature.Your room thermostat and your tank thermostat have to work together to keep the water at a consistent temperature throughout the day and night. The temperature of the room should not be more than buy nail pen a few degrees different from the temperature of the tank.Having water too warm is just as bad as having it too cold. Warm water cannot hold as much oxygen Syma S108G as cold water. When water in your tank is heated, it loses oxygen. This, of course, is bad for your fish. That's why as the water heats up, you will see them coming closer to the surface. They are trying to get access to more air. If the water is too warm, they won't die of heat, they will die of asphyxiation.But, too much heat is also bad for fish as it can damage their fins as well as other parts of their body. Be aware, however, that heat can come from a variety of sources. It can come from the heat of the room, or it can come from the tank being positioned in direct sunlight. This is why the positioning of your tank is important - to avoid hot spots.