
Facebook Marketing- 6 techniques that work!

These techniques will work for anyone who wants to implement them properly, my only warning to everyone is do not over-use any of these techniques. You will get kicked off of Facebook if you appear to be spamming. Spread out your actions so that you appear to be a normal person trying to connect with friends. Your goal will be to get massive exposure, but you want to make certain you go about getting that exposure without upsetting the natural order of Facebook’s rules and regulations.As we all know, Facebook is one of the largest social networking sites on the internet, making it a great place to build your business for free. Some of the techniques I'm using on Facebook are phenomenal, and have started to generate hundreds of dollars a week for me! Remember while marketing here, your main goal is to generate traffic for your website, however, you want to do it in an unobtrusive manner. You don't want to seem desperate to people, and you don't want to bother people with your business either. The key to your success on Facebook or any avenue of marketing, is to promote yourself as a leader, and build a following! Here are 6 of the best ways I've found to build quality relationships and traffic to your website using Facebook!1-Website or blog link- Obviously your end goal is to have traffic to your website or blog, and there are some very key places to post your links on your profile for maximum exposure. There is an area below your profile picture where you can write something about yourself, and this is one of the first spots someone will look after they look at your picture! As well, looking down a little further, there is an information section, and you want to make sure that your website is added to that section.2-Friend adding- This is a very touchy subject. Some people will tell you to add 30-50 friends per day, and do it all in one sitting. I can tell you from personal experience, that this will get you kicked off of facebook faster than you can blink. Although it is great to build a huge list, that list really won’t matter unless you have a quality relationship with the individuals on it. My suggestion would be to add around 5-10 friends per day, and make atleast 5 of them quality connections right away. Find common interests or struggles with those people so that you can truly connect, and they will want to talk with you and open up to you!3-Wall Posts- When you’re connecting with people, and you want to introduce yourself or respond to something they’ve said to you or someone else, a great way to do this is through a wall post. When you make a post on someone’s wall, not only will they be able to view it, but all of their friends will also be able to view it. This technique can be one of the most effective techniques if used properly, because it is viral. I’m not suggesting that you go around posting on everyone’s wall like crazy, however, when you have something of quality to share with someone, feel free to share it with everyone.4- Status Updates- When you make an update, everyone of your friends can now see that update on their wall. If you make it a question, and you get comments on that question, it will then be viral to everyone of their friends walls as well. Also, one Iphone 4s Speaker of your status updates will remain on your profile until you clear it, and that will also be seen by everyone coming to your profile and everyone who’s chatting with you! Don’t constantly advertise products or services in your updates, because people will stop reading them. If you give away quality material, you’ll get more readers, and more people to your profile.5-Groups- Creating your own group is the key to Facebook Marketing. There are so many features available with your own group, that I would consider you insane to not have your own! First off, inviting people to join your group usually is non-threatening, which allows you to gather a larger group than you would get with your website capture page. Groups are a great place to start sharing your knowledge, and promote yourself as the leader. You can send out e-mails to your group as a whole, invite them to events, and have your main group page set-up as a sales page to make some affiliate commissions. It’s also just a great way to attract more people to you without breaking Facebook’s rules. Get more information about creating your own Facebook group in my later post.6- Connect with your leads- When you get a lead for your business or one of your products, invite them to be your friend on facebook! Let them know they visited your website, and you want to get to know them! Connecting with them will allow them to see you as a person that cares and not just a webpage that’s trying to take their money. You can also invite them to your group to offer some free training and give them some quality content to show them you really can help them!Facebook marketing should be one of the first places that any young entrepreneur starts his or her journey. There are currently 250 million users world-wide, and 120 million of them log on each day. The fact that Facebook is Nail Brush a free marketing method should attract you if nothing else does. Many people are successfully marketing their business every single day on Facebook, and you should be too! Even if you don’t want to spend the time marketing, it’s a great place for your contacts to learn more about you as a person, and it lets them know you’re real!

